333 WORDS….

You can’t suddenly get from where you are to where you want to be. But you can, today, inch in that direction.

Assuming you would rather be relationally closer, always closer, to the Lord Jesus, it is imperative to understand this is a slow process, and diligence is required. No matter how relationally rich or poor you may be, increase, though incremental, is quite attainable. Today.

Today. You don’t have to wait until tomorrow, next week or next month.

Today you can humble yourself before your Lord.

Today you can confess any resistance to Christ’s great invitation to “Abide in Me”.

Today you can ask the Lord Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit.

Today you can enter the Bible, and linger there.

Today you can offer Lord Jesus due praise.

Today you can remember His many blessings.

Today you can have your own communion service, just you and Lord Jesus. (“This do…. in remembrance of Me.”)

Today you can repent of destructive idols.

Today you can be thankful your name is in “the Book of Life”.

Today you can, more fully, set your love upon Him.

Today you can try to grasp the wonder of Calvary.

Yes, today you can draw a little closer. And ‘a little closer’ times 365 results in an awesome year.


If your ambition is something other than more of Jesus, life won’t improve; it will devalue.

Spiritual prosperity is only possible through relationship. John and Paul, arguably the two most prosperous men in the history of Christ’s church, owe their incredible accomplishments – have we not all profited by their inspired writings? – to relationship.

John was a fisherman, Paul a hardened pharisee. It was not finesse, charisma, intelligence or political adroitness that wrought such prosperity. No, it was relationship! It was love! It was humility! These two branches were irrevocably committed to the Vine.

Your love and faithfulness to Jesus may never match theirs, but all improvement is precious. And attainable. Today.

Hail to the King!