333 WORDS….
Though I may not know you, I know you. I know I know you because I know me, and you and I have much in common.
I know you’re a saint. You were a sinner, but no longer. Sure, you mess up once in a while, sometimes real bad. But you don’t practice sin. You hate sin, because it’s repulsive to your new nature.
I know someone, a very special Someone, died for you. That Someone loves you beyond comprehension. Yes, you are a consistently and fervently loved person.
I know you have a loving, doting Father. Right now, His eyes are upon you. Your imperfections and peculiarities may turn off friends, but not so your Father.
And I know you are “the temple of the Holy Spirit”. This holy Person wants to enhance your christianity, to raise you to loftier heights in Christ.
I know you have unseen, friendly compatriots. “He shall give His angels charge over you.”
And I know you have unseen, thoroughly un-friendly enemies. As you are loved, so you are hated. Merciless tyrants of darkness want to bring you down.
I know you are Blood-washed, sanctified, redeemed, forgiven, justified. Your name is written in “the Book of Life of the Lamb slain.”
I know you have both understanding and confusion. Both truth and misconceptions. Faith and unbelief. Answered and unanswered prayers.
I know you do both smart and dumb. You bow both to Christ and to distractions. You’re motivated by both “fear of the Lord” and “fear of man”. You sometimes remember Calvary and sometimes forget.
I know your life is unfolding “according to your faith”.
I know you love Lord Jesus.
I know every day you make choices affecting your eternity, and those whom you influence.
I know “the Judgment seat of Christ” awaits whereby you’ll gain rewards and “suffer loss”.
I know New Jerusalem awaits. You’ll be safe, eternally safe. Content, eternally content. Healthy and strong and vibrant, eternally so. You will be with Lord Jesus, eternally.