333 WORDS….
Recommended: God Tells the Man Who Cares
Author: A.W. Tozer (1897-1963)
Tozer is still well-read. 4-5 decades of christianity produced several books and numerous articles, all solid, all challenging. The Pursuit of God is superior, as is The Attributes of God, That Incredible Christian, Born After Midnight and many other titles.
But God Tells the Man Who Cares was for me a major blessing.
My book, The Way It Is: Challenging Evangelical Traditions, was a hard and lonely task. Challenging evangelicalism’ s right to rule and reign Christ’s people proved a fearful journey.
Could so many esteemed ‘reverends’ really be wrong?…. are denominations really competing with Christ for the loyalty of His people?…. is evangelical christianity really deficient of Christ?…. is tithing really a convoluted sting?
Was I really commissioned to challenge what even the most renowned consider holy?
Can it be?
Like really?
I was a quivering insurgent, a spent candle, a dry well. So I asked Lord Jesus to send encouragement, expecting that prayer to be satisfied via a consoling, backslapping brother. Instead He gave me a book.
Even the title, God Tells the Man Who Cares, is worthy of reflection. Page one: God has nothing to say to the frivolous man.
More Tozer:
Among the gospel churches Christ is now in fact little more than a beloved symbol….
Not Christ but custom is lord….
The tendency to make a mere front of religion is strongest among people engaged in professional Christian service….
A natural but carnal desire of a gifted minority [is] to bring the less gifted majority to heel….
Human means are devised to achieve ends assumed to be divine….
It is now possible for the youngest pastor just out of seminary to have more actual authority in a church than Jesus….
We may easily grow backwards and become smaller and less fervent….