333 WORDS….

Lord Jesus sent the twelve “two by two, and gave them power over unclean spirits.” The twelve were successful, casting out many demons and healing many sick.

Obviously, the twelve had faith.

But not all was well. A dad brought his epileptic child to them “but they could not cure him”.

Obviously, the twelve had unbelief. [See note.]

The twelve each retained both faith and unbelief. Understand what was in them is in us, faith and unbelief. We have, always had, and always will have both. Like that distressed dad we cry out, “Lord I believe; help my unbelief.”

Jesus said to two blind men, “According to your faith let it be to you.” Their faith (in Jesus) gave them sight. Faith was their ally.

Can you see their entire lives were unfolding “according to” their faith? And can you see your life is unfolding according to your faith (in Jesus)? And…. stay with me now….

Can you see your entire life is also unfolding “according to” your unbelief? And can you see as faith is your best friend unbelief is your worst enemy?

Unbelief, if allowed to master your christianity, will rob you of intimacy with Lord Jesus and “holy Father”, “fruit of the Spirit”, healing, and many etceteras. In time it will kill you.

Unbelief is everywhere, seemingly outweighing faith in most evangelicals. Unbelief attends sunday services…. nested in the choir, speaking from the pulpit, firmly rooted in pew people. Unbelief, like faith, is where christians are.

Fortunately, we can affect our degree of faith and our degree of unbelief. Increased faith is attainable. Unbelief can be trimmed.

But it will take determined effort. And persistence. And quality choices, day by day. And humility. And repentance. And prayer.

Understand…. your faith in Jesus will not go further than your relationship with Jesus. Unbelief will shrivel as you focus, as you appreciate, as you worship. Tell the Lord a thousand times you choose Him above all and every.

Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ!

NOTE: Jesus explained why they failed to heal the epileptic: “Because of your unbelief.” See Matthew 17.