333 WORDS….

Dear most (not all, but most),

Regarding your preaching ministry, I will, with some trepidation, tell you how I see you. In turn, you tell me if I am right on, way off, or somewhere between. Please.

You consider yourself as less than what you are. Biblical truths regarding you, your potential, and your responsibility as a Blood-bought child of God have given way to contradictory suggestions.

You are, by calling and potential, a preacher. The Bible strongly suggests so. And yet, continuing on the same path, you’ll never be what Lord Jesus has called you to be…. an expounder of His truths. You live your christianity within the expectations of others.

Religious officers have placed you in a pew. As years passed, a putrid pew-mindset – this is where you belong, this is where you live out your christianity – overwhelmed your soul. They – church people, spouse, friends, family – hold you captive. ‘They’ will withhold craved approval and acceptance should you dare to be a man/woman directly under God.

Sure, ‘they’ will allow you to care for the homeless, go on occasional missionary trips to build houses, etcetera. ‘They’ may even give permission to lead a Bible-study (using an approved study-guide). But mostly, you’ve been slotted into a supportive role, supporting the credentialed and salaried.

A preaching ministry, whereby you break The Word under the influence of the Holy Spirit, is far from your thoughts or intentions. “The fear of man [has brought] a snare.”

Well…. am I cold, warm, or hot? Let me know. Please.

You see, I burn for you. Yes, I am so pleased you are saved, so pleased heaven impatiently awaits. But also, I so desire you become a man/woman under God. No mediator but Lord Jesus. No lord but the Lord. Christ’s anointed sent-one.

333 is for you. ‘They’ haven’t deterred me; have I cut a swath for you into higher and better?

I simply want to be either confirmed or corrected. Please.

Most respectfully,

Larry J