333 WORDS….

Let’s talk about what most don’t talk about (and a few talk about too much)…. demons.

If the Bible is balanced, the one refusing to acknowledge demons isn’t. Lord Jesus spoke of demons, but not too much. (He never did anything too much or too little.) Paul and John wrote of demons but didn’t binge on the subject.

One should be more cognizant of the presence of angels than that of demons. Considering the dark world only can be scary and depressing. Nonetheless these serfs of satan shouldn’t be ignored simply because they’re not ignoring us.

Seemingly, the spiritually mature speak of demons more than the immature. Seasoned christians detect the enemy by its works. When most see a raving psycho they see a raving psycho; the discerning see a demon at work.

1Jn.3:8: The Son of God came to undo the works of the devil.

As the works of God are accomplished through angels, so “the works of the devil [satan]” are accomplished through his demons. We can detect them by their fruit.

Since “the fruit of the Spirit is love joy, peace, patience,” etc., obviously the fruit of evil spirits is hate, sadness, distress, impatience, etcetera. At times we display the works of the Holy Spirit and other times, sadly, the works of our enemy.

As the Holy Spirit requires our permission to make inroads into our lives, the enemy likewise needs permission. That being true, it is possible we blame the enemy too much.

Lord Jesus often healed the sick by casting out a demon. Those demons are still around, though usually unrecognized. Many times an infirmity is an illegal squatter creating havoc. It must be cast out. However….

Only the Christ-centered should directly confront demons, and only by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Those not clothed in Christ could be compared to a kid poking a beehive with a stick. Not healthy. They could retaliate.

The answer to every problem and situation is faith in Lord Jesus. Amen?