333 WORDS….

Evangelicals follow evangelicals for much the same reason catholics follow catholics, anglicans follow anglicans, mormons follow mormons. Likeminded shadow likeminded.

However, this doesn’t equate evangelicalism with other religions; evangelicalism is far superior because it emphasizes salvation through Christ alone.

However, a follower of evangelicalism isn’t a follower of Jesus Christ; one cannot follow two. (Just as a born-again follower of anglicanism isn’t a follower of Christ; one cannot follow two.)

However, christians attending an evangelical church could be much advantaged over those not attending, this depending on the spiritual maturity (or lack thereof) of both the specific church and the specific christian.

However, it’s advisable for some to forsake evangelicalism (and all religions). This seems to be a healthy, natural progression for those stabilized in Christ.

However, attending an evangelical service doesn’t make one an evangelical.

However, attending evangelical services is how evangelicals become evangelicals. Caution is advised.

However, many seriously considering disengaging from evangelical gatherings might be wise to reconsider. One should change course only in obedience to the Holy Spirit.

However, many who should withdraw from evangelicalism won’t, simply because the price is more than they’re willing to pay. More of Jesus costs. Much more of Jesus costs much.

However, the benefits of obedience to the Holy Spirit are enormous. Who else can pick up their cross, fulfill their calling, bear much fruit? The culmination of each person’s christianity will be fully realized at “the judgment seat of Christ”. There we will realize subjection to the promptings of “the Spirit of Christ” was actually subjection to Christ Himself.

However, typical evangelical is laying up “treasures in heaven”. He will receive rewards. He will have reason to rejoice.

However, his/her rejoicing will not compare to that of the comparatively few following Jesus Christ, who are motivated by, and responsive to, the urgings of the Holy Spirit.

However, all will rejoice in “the salvation of our God”. All will be eternally wealthy.

However, some will be wealthier than others, some much wealthier.