333 WORDS….
From the Bible’s perspective, a non-believer is one who has not set his/her trust in Jesus Christ (that’s Jesus alone) to rescue him/her. The story began a l-o-o-o-o-o-n-g time ago…..
In the beginning God and man were close. Like very together. Like relationally connected. And then something terrible happened….
Rom.5:12: “When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.”
Adam’s infamous betrayal caused a rift – an impassable chasm, actually – between him and God. That spiritual chasm is still there, still impassable. Because “everyone sinned” everyone suffered disconnection from God. A look around or a glance at the news verifies man is indeed God-less…. without God.
But we weren’t built to be relationally disconnected from God. Without Him we are less than whole. Thankfully, God is merciful and He made a way to be united.
Imagine yourself on the edge of an enormous chasm. You see God way off on the other side…. looking at you looking at Him. Got it?
Now picture a single arching bridge spanning that enormous gorge, the only route to the other side. That bridge is Jesus. Jesus said, “I am the way.”
Jesus is the ONLY way to God. “No one comes to the Father except through Me.” No religion, no best intentions, no effort can save.
Those ‘crossing the bridge’ actually become “a new creation”, a new person. Same dimples, same knobby knees…. but different. They have been “born again” or “born from above”.
For every person crossing that bridge several do not. Some come close… gazing… considering…. wanting…. but won’t let go of life as is. Sad. Very sad.
I crossed over to the other side many years ago. No regrets whatsoever. Nothing but a deep appreciation for my Christ. I am eternally secure.
The Bible teaches the greatest sin is not sexual perversion or fraud or even murder…. man’s greatest sin is refusing Christ and His great salvation. Sad. Very sad.