333 WORDS….
“As the Father has sent Me, so I send you.”
Father was the Sender and Lord Jesus was the Sent-one and mankind is the sentee.
The Sent-one returned, now “seated at the right hand of” the Sender, but not before He sent replacements.
Now, Lord Jesus is the Sender, we are the sent-ones and our world is the sentee.
There is no plan B. Sentees will perish if sent-ones slack off.
The Sent-one was diligent and determined, and His Sender rewarded His faithfulness by giving “Him a name…. above every name”. If we don’t strongly desire to please our Sender, we won’t.
Please hear this….
It was the Sent-one’s relationship with His Sender that caused Him to accomplish His commission. Miss that and you miss everything.
Jesus taught, “Without Me you can do nothing.” We must learn…. quality of relationship between Sender and sent-one determines sent-one’s outcome. Unhappily, relationship is infrequently emphasized in Christ’s church.
Father and Son were together. Together. Jesus breathed the Father, faithfully relayed His commands, obeyed without hesitation. If our love is not purposely set upon our Sender, ego purposely crucified, free will purposely directed, chance of finishing our course is nil.
Ministry, the real kind, necessitates preparation. We prepare by abiding. Sinless, Jesus was majorly advantaged; for Him, bonding came naturally; perfection amalgamates perfectly with perfection. With us, inching closer is work. Illegitimate relationship-bonds must be broken, religious ambitions discarded, priorities reset, sluggish souls mastered. Yet to overcome is possible.
We overcome by gazing. Gazing. Anchoring to our Sender gives semblance to our Sender. Ministry is not ‘me’ and it’s not Him; it’s ‘us’, Jesus and ‘me’. Fruit comes through surrender.
Be forewarned: Determined sent-ones pay a price. As Jesus, they will encounter the wrath of religious lords. Those closest will not understand. Hang with the gang or be rejected.
Sent-ones will one day give an account to their Sender. We would be wise to be diligent, eternity up there being seriously affected by obedience/disobedience down here.