333 WORDS….
1Jn5:21: “Children, guard yourselves from idols.”
Idols are something most christians have, not ‘most’ like 51 percent, but ‘most’ like maybe 90 to 98.
Of the 90-98, perhaps less than 10 percent are aware of those leeches sucking away their life and contributing nothing lasting in return. How blind we are to the obvious. “The human heart is most deceitful.” Those with idols are actually idolaters, and nobody is going to admit being one of those guys.
Should the evangelical, scurrying off to work monday to friday, depositing his entirety into career/business, honestly scrutinize his motive, he would admit the purposes of Lord Jesus are not what drives him, but rather the demands of god-whatever.
The young couple stares lovingly at their answered prayer lying in the crib. How long before the blessing of the Lord becomes a replacement of the Lord?
Adrenalin flowing and sweat pouring, the tennis player desperately returns that *!*!*!* ball, determined to defeat and deflate his brother-in-Christ. Whoever or whatever he represents, it sure ain’t Lord Jesus.
The pastor-preacher guy provoking his people to give, to do, to build may be out of a heart to please the Master. Or…. maybe not. If the tither were serving Christ he wouldn’t be tithing. And the evangelical wouldn’t be an evangelical.
Lucifer’s idol was ‘me’. Adam’s was Eve. Judas loved money. Judaizers served the old way, and Galatians caved to Judaizers. Ephesians “left their first love”. And the record of God’s chosen people?…. let’s not go there.
Idols are ugly things that christians have and have christians. Proficiently they hinder intimacy with the King…. Christ and idols are incompatible. The more affection set upon the one, the less for the other. Lord Jesus is repulsed by leftovers.
Idols are easily identified; we talk and think prime love primarily. The surrendered talk/think Christ. They alone are protected from idols. “Guard yourselves from idols” by total commitment unto Him.
Sadly, though all want Him more, few sufficiently want Him more.