333 WORDS….
Evangelicals and Paul talk differently. Evangelicals and John talk differently. Evangelicals and Peter talk differently.
The apostles’ letters were infused with Jesus…. “servant of JESUS”…. “CHRIST the power of God”…. “we preach CHRIST crucified”…. “CHRIST our Passover”…. “JESUS CHRIST the righteous”…. “the blood of JESUS CHRIST”…. “the Lord JESUS CHRIST”…. “apostle of JESUS CHRIST”…. “Father of our Lord JESUS CHRIST”….
The three were early church Jesus freaks. Their writings are peppered with ‘Jesus’, much more than ‘God’ (and ‘Father’ and ‘Holy Spirit’). Did they not write “by inspiration of God”? Can we assume since they wrote Christ, they spoke Christ?
Evangelicals speak ‘God’ much more than ‘Jesus’. [See note.]
Paul to the Ephesians (1:1-5): “Paul an apostle of JESUS CHRIST by the will of God, to the saints who are in Ephesus, and faithful in CHRIST JESUS: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord JESUS CHRIST. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord JESUS CHRIST who has blessed us…. in CHRIST, just as He chose us in HIM…. having predestined us to adoption as sons by JESUS CHRIST to Himself.”
An evangelical ‘Paul’ would write: “Paul, an apostle by the will of GOD, to the saints who are in Ephesus. Grace to you and peace from GOD our Father. Blessed be GOD who has blessed us, having predestined us to adoption.”
The news media speak ‘God’. The religious speak ‘God’. Politicians speak ‘God”. But christians ought to speak ‘Christ’ primarily. That’s the will of God.
Evangelicals speak differently because they’re different. Typical Evangelical has Paul’s passion minus 75%, minus 75% his commitment, plus at least 75% more distractions.
All that can change: Lord Jesus, I repent. I want the fervor I once had. I am no longer an evangelical (a charismatic, a whatever). By Your grace, I will not be negligent or ashamed to speak Your name. I recommit my life to You. Where You lead I will follow. No longer will I compromise, no matter the cost.