333 WORDS….

A very large barn, this barn. On the side of this very large barn is a very large red dot, about three feet diameter. Fifty paces from this very large dot are a number of christian archers, varying in social status, men, women and children.

The first to shoot is Charismatic Charlie. Pulls back the string on his longbow, takes aim and…. misses. Hmmm. Next is Evangelical Ed. Looks confident enough, but surprisingly he misses too. Double Hmmm. Same with numbers 3 to 20…. all miss…. not even close.

But here comes Pastor Peter. He will show them how it’s done. Looks real cool with his fiberglass flatbow, colorful arm-guard and chest-guard. But looky here! Doesn’t come close to the target! Another pastor, another miss. What’s going on?!

But there’s still hope. Next guy is from elsewhere, keynote speaker at a big conference. This bowman appears super-capable, and even has a crossbow. Just can’t miss with a crossbow…. but he does!

Next up, a new convert to Lord Jesus, with an old bow and crooked arrow. Bulls-eye! Last to shoot is some little kid with a bow much longer than he is. Wow, another bulls-eye!

Take a look at the barn now. Lots of arrows above and below and all around the red mark. Only a few stick out of the target.


Paul to the Corinthians: I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds might somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.

What does today’s church look like?

Looks like the barn with all those arrows stuck in it, only a few in the target. Looks like a membership of, mostly, deceived Eves no longer devoted. It’s in need of revival.

And heaven?

Heaven looks like that barn with every arrow stuck in the very large red dot. All, angels and saints, are devoted to Christ.

Don’t be disheartened. Through sincere repentance arrows can be pulled out and shot again.