333 WORDS….

Because God is who He is, you are who you are.

If God were different than who He is, you would be different than who you are…. or perhaps you simply would not be.

But actually, it is impossible for God to be different. To be different, He must be either less or more than perfection, and perfection is…. perfect. Less than perfect is not perfection and better than perfect is an impossibility.

Many philosophize why God does this and why He does that. He does this and that because it is the right thing to do. We know that because He is perfect.

Many say God can do anything. Sorry. We can do many things all-powerful God can’t, and we do what He can’t every day. Perfection can only do perfection; imperfection can and does both the perfect and imperfect.

Why did God create Lucifer, knowing he would rebel and cause such havoc? Simple…. creating Lucifer was the right and perfect thing to do. And why did God create humanity knowing that we would fall into depravity and suffering? Same answer.

We cannot understand why right is right, but we know He only does right.

You are a creation of right. What does a right God fashion? Well for one thing…. you. You have every reason to feel special, because you are. Your affections are coveted by the perfect One. You are loved, thoroughly, by Love.

However, things went amok. You have not been blemished by sin, you have been wrecked by sin. That sin got you separated from your Daddy. And you were stumbling in the wrong direction, heading straight for a place you get queasy thinking about.

Because God wanted His kid back, He became as you are to rescue you, to deal with the sin that threatened your eternity. You are now more than a created one, you are a re-created one, “born of the Spirit”. You are washed in innocent blood. You are a co-heir with Christ.
