333 WORDS….

The Bible has much to say about a subject strangely ignored. When is the last time you heard or spoke or thought of “the judgment seat of Christ”? Join the club…. christians in july have more thoughts of christmas than that day.

Be assured, after it’s all over down here, there’s an account to be given up there. That could be a happy time…. or not.

2Cor5:10: We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.

The GOD-IS-LOVE-only people might have a problem with the ensuing verse: Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord (some translate “the fear of the Lord”), we persuade men.

“We persuade men” because this is an acute happening. “We persuade men” because, “If anyone’s works are burned he will suffer loss.” That’s eternal loss.


“Fire will test the quality of each man’s work.”

Picture yourself standing before a very solemn Jesus, torch in hand. Before you is a heap of “wood, hay, straw” covering, hopefully, “gold, silver, precious stones”…. your life’s “work”. After Lord Jesus ignites your collection, you have but one question: Will anything remain after the chaff is burned off?

Consider: Will this event be a time of joy or sorrow for most? The answer is all around you.

Are your neighbors laying up treasures on earth or in heaven? Is time spent pursuing riches, pursuing man’s approval, or pursuing Jesus the Christ? Are they the “wise man who built his house on the rock” of His sayings or the “foolish man” who didn’t? Are they declaring Christ to their generation?

Don’t hang with the heedless. Associate with the passionate. Always enjoy the Redeemer more than the redeemed. Choose Lord Jesus above all. Esteem Him highly.

Your Lord promises you: “He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit.” Fruit translates into rewards. Much fruit, much rewards. That’s eternal rewards.