333 WORDS….

The Sent-one, because He was the Sent-one, brought trouble to many….

His mom, loving God and minding her own business, found herself in the family way, an embarrassment both to her and her man. And this was just the start. Wasn’t easy riding a donkey to Bethlehem with nine-month-old Jesus inside her belly. Soon they were fleeing to Egypt. They were alarmed when twelve-year-old Jesus was missing, having decided it was time to “be about My Father’s business”.

Mothers wailed as the sword fell on their infants guilty of being born in the same locale as Jesus. A mob cursed themselves and future generations when they stupidly cried, “Let His blood be on us and our children.”

Conflict followed Jesus everywhere. The controllers were offended by anyone refusing their control, and made life miserable for Him and His followers. When “Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all that were buying and selling”, He became a marked man.

Jesus brought back Lazarus, enjoying himself immensely in paradise. Now a breathing testament that Christ is who He claimed to be, Lazarus, too, must be eliminated.

Jesus’ forerunner was beheaded. Tension accompanied the twelve wherever because Jesus had a way of igniting the wrath of the elite. No doubt Pilate was never the same after caving before the pharisees. Peter buckled, and denied His master.

Post-Calvary, trouble continued….

James “was put to death with a sword”. Stephen was stoned. Believers everywhere were mocked and harassed. John was banished to Patmos and the other apostles were probably martyred. In Rome, christians were actually fed to hungry lions.

Over the centuries, much blood spilled from those bearing that precious name. Today believers are often rejected and persecuted by family and country for becoming His. Will it ever end?

No, not before Christ’s return.

JESUS: Don’t imagine I come to bring peace to the earth! No, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword!

JESUS: Everyone will hate you because of your allegiance to Me.