333 WORDS….
Evangelical: (Merriam-Webster) emphasizing salvation by faith in the atoning death of Jesus Christ through personal conversion.… of, relating to, or being in agreement with the Christian gospel especially as it is presented in the four Gospels.
My definitions….
Evangelical: a born-again, redeemed, Blood-washed, sanctified
child of God.
Evangelical: a born-again, redeemed, Blood-washed, sanctified child
of God whose loyalty is attached to an evangelical denomination or association.
Evangelical: a born-again, redeemed, Blood-washed, sanctified child of
God whose loyalty is attached to an evangelical denomination or association as evidenced by his/her obedience to various evangelical traditions.
Evangelical: a born-again, redeemed, Blood-washed, sanctified child of
God whose loyalty is attached to an evangelical denomination or association as evidenced by his/her obedience to various evangelical traditions, including those contrary to the teachings of Christ.
Evangelical: a born-again, redeemed, Blood-washed, sanctified child of
God whose loyalty is attached to an evangelical denomination or association as evidenced by his/her obedience to various evangelical traditions, including those contrary to the teachings of Christ, this being a prime reason why he/she rarely mentions the name of Jesus.
Evangelical: a born-again, redeemed, Blood-washed, sanctified child of
God whose loyalty is attached to an evangelical denomination or association as evidenced by his/her obedience to various evangelical traditions, including those contrary to the teachings of Christ, this being a prime reason why he/she rarely mentions the name of Jesus, the mere mention of that name evoking power to convict of disloyalty to his/her First Love.
Evangelical: a born-again, redeemed, Blood-washed, sanctified child of
God whose loyalty is attached to an evangelical denomination or association as evidenced by his/her obedience to various evangelical traditions, including those contrary to the teachings of Christ, which is a prime reason why he/she rarely mentions the name of Jesus, the mere mention of that name evoking power to convict of disloyalty to his/her
First Love, but nonetheless retains the capability to repent of aforementioned disloyalty and recapture the passion and commitment
for Christ possessed at the time of rebirth.