333 WORDS….
“And He healed them all.”
They came to Him because “He healed them all.”
First individually, than by the dozens, then by “great multitudes” they came and left rejoicing, set free from a variety of disorders.
If you were there then and seriously infirmed you would have travelled far, if your condition allowed, to Him who “healed them all”.
Because “He healed them all” they came and heard His salvation message. Miracles have a way of grabbing one’s attention. A desperate need eradicated melts the skeptic’s heart.
“Immediately many gathered together, so there was no longer room to receive them…. and He preached the word to them.” Though “the word” is much more needed than healing, healing brings the crowd to hear “the word”. Combined, healing and preaching assures success for the evangelist (and whoever).
Wouldn’t it be cool, like really cool, if you could heal the sick. Your neighbor, the one who thinks you’re a wacko Jesus-nut, gets sick and you bonk him with healing power. Loved ones recover by your “prayer of faith”. Demons tremble at your rebuke. Sigh.
Sadly, ‘the way it is’ doesn’t work that way. The sick christian pursues Doctor Whoever as readily as the pagan, and if Doc can’t fix him, he dies. Perhaps you are convinced, as many (most?) are, that he is supposed to die because, obviously, if God wanted to heal him He would, right?
Who do you think healed the “man lame from his mother’s womb” at the temple gate “called Beautiful”? Was it Peter and John who caused this man to be “walking, leaping, and praising God”? Or was it Jesus, though in heaven “sitting at the right hand of God”?
Hear (like really hear) Peter’s response to his incensed accusers: “FAITH…. has given him this perfect soundness.”
Though ‘the way it is’ may have convinced you otherwise, it is faith (that’s faith in Him!) that moves mountains, casts out demons (yeah, they’re still around), heals the sick, and many etceteras.