333 WORDS….

Very imaginary Merf and Mannie have volunteered (actually, I gave them no choice…. heh-heh) to help illustrate the monstrous difference between the christian distant from Christ and the one relationally close. Or, simply said, FAR vs. NEAR.

This forty-ish couple, fanciful and ordinary, attend Bread of Life Fellowship, equally fanciful and equally ordinary, where they long ago received Christ.

Merf lucked out when a coin toss made him NEAR and Mannie FAR. Poor Mannie. Her christianity doesn’t rate higher than two-star, and boredom and blahs often come visiting.

And poor Merf too. Don’t think fervent won’t get you strife. Mannie, she’s got lots of comrades to sympathize with her for having a man who doesn’t go with the flow, hang with the gang, jest with the rest. Lonely boy, that Merf.

Now Merf and Mannie started out very together, both fervent, both much accepted. And later they drifted from Christ together. Sure, the passion was gone, their elation too, but they still had each other.

And then a setback. Merf said Un-unh, no more, I’m outta here! and shucked his lukewarm christianity and headed backwards to find that fervent christian he once was. Just like that. And that’s when their problems began. No way was Mannie going to risk irking her supportive friends nor dump her pastor who had evolved from confidant to mediator between her and Jesus. Because acceptance outvalued camaraderie with her Merf, marriage warfare escalated.

Anyhow, Merf and Mannie star in my “FAR and NEAR” series of articles, ten in all…. pithy and pointed, I would say. So….

If you’re interested why Mannie exchanged her elegant purple cloak for a drab dark one, or…. if you want to read of the strangest altar call ever, or…. if you want to firm up your understanding of the consequences, imminent and eternal, of one who abides intimately in Jesus and one who doesn’t, or…. if you simply want to become better acquainted with Merf and Mannie…. then…. just…. visit…. FAR and Near.