333 WORDS….

Jesus said (that is, JESUS said): “He who abides in Me…. bears much fruit.”

Though “all scripture is inspired by God”, some verses are more relevant than others. Hear again…. “He who abides in Me…. bears much fruit.”

These eight words should be considered, reconsidered and reconsidered again…. “He who abides in Me….”

Okay, enough already! I get it!

No, you don’t get it. If you didn’t get it before you don’t get it now. Not that these words are difficult. No, you haven’t gotten it because you don’t want to get it.

Hunh? Why would anyone not want to get it?

Why do heathens not get John 3:16? Simple…. they don’t want Christ.

But I’m a christian! Of course I want Christ.

Yes, you certainly want Christ, but you don’t want more of Christ. (And, thankfully, you don’t want less.) More of Christ is, and always has been, available. Those wanting more have “ears to hear” His words, and those who don’t…. don’t.

Most want to produce fruit; few want to bear fruit. Only those who have learned they can’t can.


Here’s the problem: there’s no boasting in bearing, nothing whatsoever to satisfy one’s need to be relevant. Also, to abide in Christ (primarily) one must de-abide (primarily) in others.

When is the last time you heard these eight words preached? Can’t remember, eh? You see, the preacher-guy often doesn’t want to be a bearer any more than you. More than most, the preacher wants to produce…. to do, to build, to conquer the world for Christ.

Jesus said (that is, JESUS said), “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit.”

So this is the way it works: Father is glorified when you bear much fruit…. you bear much fruit by abiding in Christ significantly…. to abide in Christ significantly you must renounce your idols.

Okay… now I get it.

No, you don’t. Your head gets it, but not your heart, where it counts. That takes serious repentance.