333 WORDS….
Brother/sister, I know the answer to your problem(s). I mean, I really know the answer. Like really, really, really.
Your thinking, Can’t be ’cause he doesn’t know me or my problem. Well, you’re right and you’re wrong…. I don’t know your problem but I do know the answer.
Your answer is my answer, is her answer, is his answer, is their answer. I point you to 2Cor11:3….
I fear that somehow you will be led away from your pure and simple devotion to Christ.
Do you see the answer to your problem? (Hint: last three words.)
Let’s go into NT writings to define “devotion to Christ”.
Devotion: Mary sat at the Lord’s feet.
Devotion: “Do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord” Peter replied, “You know that I love you.”
Devotion: “To live is Christ.” (Paul)
Devotion: They sang in a mighty chorus: “The Lamb is worthy.”
The devoted are “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High” and beneficiaries of the many promises of Psalm 91. The devoted are believing believers, and it is faith that receives. The devoted have an unobstructed channel to the very Son of God. And “our Father”. And “the Comforter”.
Are you getting it?
You were once there, in company with Mary and Peter and Paul, enamored with Lord Jesus. No need to build a new altar, just return to the old one.
Can you remember when the fire burned at rebirth? Life was Jesus and Jesus and Jesus. But what Paul feared for the Corinthians (“I fear that somehow you will be led away….”) happened to you and those around you.
Yes, most have lost that “pure and simple devotion to Christ”. And you lost yours because you emulated those who lost theirs. Fellowship with those you can see meant more to you than walking with the One you can’t see.
Do you have the temerity to dump your idols and return to “pure and simple devotion to Christ”?
Be blessed.