333 WORDS….
You are a tree. Further, you are a good tree. Like all good trees, you bear good fruit. When you get to heaven you will be amply rewarded for the fruit of your life.
Happily, you, the good tree, can become a good-er tree. A gooder tree bears more fruit than a less good tree. The more fruit, the greater the rewards.
Yes, eternal rewards, the kind “where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.”
Earned rewards determine your proximity to Christ. Those most rewarded will be closest to Lord Jesus…. forever. Think about it. New Jerusalem, soon to be your home city, is immense, large enough to comfortably house all the angels and all the saints and whoever else are up there. It necessitates that some will be close to Lord Jesus, perhaps within sight, and others thousands of miles away.
Distant or close, you will be content with your station. But those closer will be happier. And happier is quite attainable. Which brings us back to you, the tree.
It does take effort and wisdom to improve the tree. But understanding how to increase your ability to bear fruit is not the first step; the first step is to want to. If you don’t want to, you won’t. If you want to, sufficiently, you will.
There is a price to pay. Unattended trees do not improve. You must attend to the tree….daily, earnestly. You must understand diligence.
Our precious Teacher: “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit.” (That’s “much fruit.”)
Lord Jesus gives a somber warning: “Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” Neglected trees degrade. A tree no longer bearing much fruit, instead bearing little, is in danger of becoming fruitless. Pray, right now, that you never become fruitless! Whatever our Lord meant by “cut down and thrown into the fire”, you do not want to be included.