333 WORDS….

Evangelicalism is an impressive superhighway aimed straight for a friendly, brilliant light, a radiance outpouring from none other than our extremely precious Lord Jesus Christ.

Can you see it? It’s a balmy day, the countryside on both sides an extensive golden hue from the ripened harvest. This four-lane Evangelical Express glimmers as the glow of Lord Jesus plays on the blacktop and white lines separating the lanes. Traffic is heavy, the cars varying in prestige. Seems like it shouldn’t be long before each vehicle reaches the epicenter of brilliance ahead, right into the very presence of the King of kings. But….

But look closely. The cars seem like they’re not moving. As a matter of fact…. can you believe it?…. most cars are actually travelling backwards! Yes, they are inching away from the radiance, away from Jesus!

What’s going on?! We all know evangelicals are continually drawing closer to Christ, right? They do go to church every sunday, and some on weekdays, right? They pay their tithes and even offerings once in a while, right? What’s going on?!

Wait a minute! See that Ford minivan? And that Honda Civic over there in the far lane? And that gray Chevy up ahead? Praise the Lord!, they’re driving forward, heading toward Jesus, tenaciously weaving through the backwards traffic, not deterred by frowns of the confused who are seemingly unaware they’re in reverse and annoyed by anyone daring to travel an opposite direction.

And look over there to the right, cars driving enthusiastically up the access ramp…. seem to be filled with passion for Jesus…. must be new converts. Poor saps, they think it’s smart and proper to travel the impressive Evangelical Express. (That’s why you got on, right?)

Oh, oh! Once they become one with the traffic, they slow down, just wanting to fit in. Oh, oh! Now they’re coming to a stop. Oh, oh! They, too, start inching backwards, away from Jesus.

Mercifully the Evangelical Express has exit ramps. Exits are for exiting, right?