333 WORDS….

Seldom in my 333 writings do I speak I or me. This article is an exception. I want to share why I write, why 333, where I am coming from.

The message I preach is, amazingly and sadly, seldom emphasized, though no other word is more relevant and dear to the heart of the blessed Trinity, the Three-in-One. The gospel truth that Christ punctuates, and I echo, rates far higher than all other Bible subjects. Embrace this truth and you embrace every good thing; miss it and nothing will work.

Listen (really listen) to your Lord and Teacher….

Take my yoke upon you. That’s unity.
I am the vine, you are the branches. That’s intimacy.
Follow Me. Togetherness.
Where I am, there my servant will be also. Fellowship.
I have called you friends. Relationship.

In every religion there is a strong resistance to Jesus Christ. That’s every religion. That friction with our Lord Jesus is in catholicism, protestantism, mormonism, hinduism…. every religion.

Evangelicalism is a religion.

Evangelicalism is where I came from. Evangelicals are those (chiefly, but certainly not all) to whom I parrot the call of the Master: “Come unto Me”.

Evangelicalism, like every other religion, competes with Jesus for the loyalty of His own. It, too, is divided into a ruling class and a ruled class. It, too, refuses the Holy Spirit’s governance of the pulpit. It, too, usurps the lordship of Christ.

I write because I must. I challenge the accepted because the accepted must be challenged. I do battle with ambitious builders and controllers who have themselves become lord and “first love”. I write because Christ’s people are living far below their high calling (“Abide in Me, and I in you”) and potential.

The message I preach isn’t strange, complicated, or new. I do not point to a religion, a movement, a saint, a program, a method. I point to “Jesus Christ and Him crucified”, “the Lamb of God”, “first love”. My heart’s cry is, “Hail to the King!”