333 WORDS….

Today you have sown. And today you have reaped. Same with yesterday, same as every day of last week, last month, last year. Same as every day since, as a kid, you became accountable. Yes, you’ve been busy…. sowing and reaping, reaping and sowing.

Today you are reaping what you have previously sown. Today you are sowing what you will subsequently reap. Like gravity, it’s a law that can’t be escaped or adjusted.

Johnny Appleseed reaped apples because Johnny Appleseed sowed apple seeds. That man has taught us a truth, as does the farmer and landscaper: What we sow is what we reap. Having a nice day? Thank yourself. Not so nice? Chastise yourself.

We can’t understand why this *#*#*# problem is happening, forgetting that way back when we planted yucky seeds. We pray and the *#*#*# doesn’t go away. The law of planting and harvesting is powerful, and its effects won’t dissolve with less-than-fervent, less-than-repentant-packed prayers, and, often, a lapse of time.

Except for “the Man Christ Jesus” we have all sown a mixture and we are all reaping a mixture. We get good from the good and bad from the bad. Be encouraged, we can always enhance life by simply improving the mixture.

Bible verses are good seeds, sit-coms are bad. Humility augments, pride diminishes. Generosity precipitates prosperity, greed brings poverty. Encouragement edifies, ugly words depress. Forgiveness sets free, unforgiveness binds. Obedience protects, sin destroys. Self-thoughts sadden, Jesus-thoughts cheer.

Others seed into your life, speaking word-seeds which access your mind and, with your permission and to your benefit or harm, slip into your heart. To protect you you must discern the good from the bad, ejecting harmful seeds before they injure.

A common mistake is to sow to be good. No, we sow good seeds to be close. To Him. He alone is our good enough.

The Bible is filled with powerful seed-words. Obedience to those words is good planting. Consume, consider, treasure, memorize and submit to the seed-words of God.