333 WORDS….
What do Father John and Pastor John have in common (other than their name)? Much. And much of that much isn’t good.
The relationship between Christ and new-born born-again is excellent and should not be tinkered with. Yet this is what John and John do, regularly and efficiently.
Relationship. Let’s look at relationship….
“God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son….” The Father was satisfied with His Son’s sacrifice, and now you are acceptable. Again, you are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. And more, you are actually coveted, yes, coveted by the living God. Now that you are His, relationship with you is paramount. Words could never express His want to be in daily, abiding relationship with you, His beloved son/daughter.
Do you remember your “In the beginning”, when eternal life began and you discovered a spiritual realm so warm and beautiful? Relationship was rich then. Soon after, you met Father John, a born-again charismatic priest. Or was it Pastor John, a born-again evangelical rep?
“Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!”
Like most, John and John have learned to turn it on, simmer it down and turn it off with finesse. Warmth and approval make a recruit. Adjusting that warmth and approval steers the recruit.
There is no ill intent. Don’t we all want friends to see it our way, to attend our church?
Understanding of the two subordinates is both right and wrong, and lead those they lead into right and into wrong. Success is when they, as ambassadors of their respective religions, manage to become a mediator between christian and Christ. Only then can they manage the christian’s life efficiently.
Neither is ordained to do what they do. They are deputies of an unholy alternative. They were not positioned by the Lord Jesus Christ but rather religious lords. On behalf of others, they plunder the loyalty set on the Master. This they do in ignorance.
“Cursed is the man who trusts in man.” That’s any man, good, bad, whatever.