333 WORDS….
There’s a difference, big difference, between being dissatisfied and being unsatisfied. You’ve been served a gross meal and you’re dissatisfied. You’ve been served a yummy meal and you’re unsatisfied, wanting more.
Are you dissatisfied with your christianity, or unsatisfied?
If unsatisfied there is a special word for you…. MORE.
For the unsatisfied there is MORE, much MORE. Do understand: MORE is more of the Lord Jesus Christ, relationally speaking. A sinner’s prayer by which he enters the kingdom is basically a sincere, “Yes, Lord Jesus!!”; those within wanting MORE must be equally sincere, “Yes, Lord Jesus!!”
But if you’ve been served “a gross meal”, you certainly don’t want MORE, but rather No more!
A sane man could not be dissatisfied with what our generous Lord Jesus has freely given. And a sane man could not be satisfied with being institutionalized (as by an institutional church).
For the dissatisfied there is, and always has been, an alternative. You must exit, say g-o-o-o-d-bye and g-o-o-o-d riddance, and pursue Christ anew.
The more sincere and fervent the “Yes, Lord Jesus!!” the more you will benefit. You will have as much MORE as you insist on having, but do understand, the more MORE, the more you must discard.
MORE costs plenty, perhaps everything, perhaps your life. Peter said, “We have left all and followed You.” You have not yet “left all”. MORE will weaken the bond between you and family, you and friends. Hanging with you will be uncomfortable; hanging with them will be uncomfortable. Some things you did, which others are doing, you can no longer do. And say good-bye to self-rule.
But MORE will also give more of every good thing. Before you are new possibilities, new adventures, abundance of fruit. You will have “fellowship of the Spirit”. Finishing your course will be possible. You will not be embarrassed at the judgment seat of Christ. For eternity you will reap the benefits of choosing MORE.
So “stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.”