333 Words
333 WORDS….
I can see you, but I can’t see me. You can see me, but you can’t see you. I will never ask you to reveal me to me because you might. You wouldn’t ask me to reveal you to you because I might.
Distorted self-analysis can be convenient, though longterm consequences are harsh. If I were transparent I would confess the occasional hot arrows of envy when I hear of a brother being recognized for his writings or other accomplishments. And the hardness of heart when compassion would be the expectant response. And the many days I dither in unbelief. And the people I avoid because my sick soul deems them inferior. And….
But…. no…. better not go there. Could be someone out there thinking I’m altogether. Reputation is everything, right?
A reputable brother once said publicly, “I have a tendency to be a phony.” How many christians have you heard confess the equivalent…. even in private conversation? This brother was used extensively by Lord Jesus because of his unpretentiousness.
Typical Evangelical (etcetera) has serious hindrances, stifling his pursuit of the Lord Jesus Christ. But because of Adam’s fall the obvious isn’t. To be free from self-deception we need to humble ourselves. But because of that *!*!*! fall we find humility difficult.
But humility is a must. Because God gives grace to the humble, only the humble.
Many (most?) of us are not as spiritual, appreciative, knowledgeable, discerning as we think. It takes mettle to inspect ourselves honestly.
If only we loved Lord Jesus as much as we assume we do, how improved life would be. Love can be measured by obedience; much love, much obedience. But will we measure?
Indeed, someone is measuring. Obedience and disobedience will be revealed. Publicly.
Those closest to Christ are less short-sighted. Absorbing Him is absorbing truth. We need truth. We want to know, now not later, the real ‘me’, and thus our need for more of Him and grace He freely gives.