333 WORDS….
A blind man near Jericho asked Jesus to heal him. Jesus complied. (Did not our Lord say, “Ask and you will receive”?)
Had the blind man not asked he would have retained his blindness. Had Jesus walked by this gentleman a dozen times, yes, a thousand times, He would not have healed him, such respect He has for man’s free will.
The gentleman could have thought, Life ain’t so bad. Others have to work all day while all I have to do is sit and beg. I can hear the children playin’ and the flutist flutin’, I can smell the flowers others plant and tend, my food tastes as good as anybody’s, I have time to reflect and socialize. And I kinda enjoy all the attention and pity.
Spiritually speaking, preferring blindness over sight is not uncommon.
Generally, evangelicals (etcetera) do not want to see more than they see (know more than they know). If they did, they would ask Lord Jesus to shine light on traditions considered sacred. And The Teacher would comply. (Did our Lord not say, “Ask and you will receive”?)
Odd, incredible and sad are adjectives insufficiently describing self-imposed short-sightedness.
Scrooge thinks he’s practical. Sinner isn’t sinning, but simply non-religious. Reaper of foolishness is a victim of circumstances. Touchy has a sensitive spirit. Angry is merely expressing righteous indignation. Fearful is cautious. Confused understands. Blind sees quite well, thank you.
We can convince ourselves we are who we are not. Those who cannot hear hear well. Those who can’t can. Those who misunderstand understand.
There has always been an alternative to self-deception. However….
Our holy Jesus will not give sight to those choosing blindness. We must want to know, enough to petition. We won’t ask unless we are willing to accept changes that truth always brings.
We cannot see ourselves unless the Lord gives insight. Fortunately, salvation from hidden hindrances – that seriously devalue our relationship with Him – is available. (Did not our Lord say, “Ask and you will receive”?)
NOTE: Would Lord Jesus have you forward this article to others?