333 WORDS….
Do not be deceived, little regard for the Bible is little regard for the Author. One measures loyalty to the Author by obedience to what He has declared, not sentimentality.
Sentiment can be a cop-out. During praise and worship, one declares, “I love You, Lord!” because she does, and another declares, “I love You, Lord!” as a synopsis of, “Please be assured I really love You, Jesus, even though my life seems to indicate otherwise.”
Lord Jesus is not a gushy sentimentalist. Never did He verbally express love even to His intimates. When Peter declared, “Lord, You know I love You”, our precious Jesus never responded, “Luv you too, Pete.” When departing from the eleven into the clouds He didn’t shout back, “Sure do luv you guys!”
Lord Jesus wasn’t/isn’t wordy. While most of us talk more than necessary (and more than becoming?), He doesn’t. He conveyed love solidly through deeds of love.
To the flippant Jesus said, “Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord’ and not do the things which I say?”
“To obey is better than sacrifice.” Sacrifices of expression are good, but to obey is better. Again, little regard for the Bible is little regard for the Author. Worship minus submission is shallow.
Love: “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to do His work.”
Love: “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”
Love: “I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”
Doing is more earnest than saying.
This is not a try-harder, do-more, be-better article. However, the free will God has given does enable us to steer life. We can choose obedience. We choose, He empowers.
Do consider: The Son of the Highest is actually inviting you into deeper, finer relationship. One of the costs of acceptance is obedience. Submission to the Bible is submission to Him.
Yes, do consider.
NOTE: And please prayerfully consider forwarding this article.