333 WORDS….
House church groups should be careful to question all aspects of evangelicalism, not assuming anything considered acceptable as acceptable. Because singular leadership has so dominated the way it is one might conclude there is something regarding the evangelical way that is Biblical and worthy to be imitated.
To underscore the point, a popular evangelical Bible commentary describes Peter as leader of the apostles. Why, oh why, such a conclusion? Well someone had to be leader, right?
There has only been one qualified leader of both the universal and local church…. His name is Jesus! Soon after He left He appointed a representative, the Holy Spirit. Over the centuries, evangelicalism has managed to replace this “Spirit of truth” with itself. The appointees of the IC (institutional church) are appointed by the IC because of their compliance to the IC. Often the evangelical is squeezed to choose between Christ and….
Now wait a minute! Hold on there! Doesn’t Peter exhort elders to “shepherd the flock of God”?!
Yes, but….
And doesn’t Hebrews say, “Obey those who rule over you”?!
Yes, but….
And doesn’t Ephesians tell us that the Lord appointed apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers “for the equipping of the saints”?!
Yes, but….
And didn’t Paul tell Titus to “appoint elders in every city”?!
Please! Chill out and take a few deep breaths! Let us reason together….
Do you think we are to obey anyone other than the Holy Spirit? Like really? Yes, sometimes He speaks through human agency, especially to youth (“Younger people, submit yourselves to your elders.”) and those young in the Lord. But if you think we are to blindly obey rather than simply bear a humble readiness to defer and submit, what about….
What about the times elders disagree with each other (which are often)? How do you obey both? And more important, when they disagree with your understanding of the Bible?
And nowhere does the Word indicate elders officiate church gatherings. Conversely, they lead by “being examples”. Only.