333 WORDS….
Most christians do not want more truth than what they have.
More is, and always has been, available to those hungry for more. But more is declined because more is undesired.
Though pagans differ from christians as darkness contrasts light, pagans and christians also have much in common. Both have a degree of smarts and dumb, both lay up treasures on earth, cater to god comfort, lean on their own understanding and loathe change. Which prompts both to dodge truth.
The believing catholic should be set free by Matthew 1:25 which clearly states that Mary surrendered her virginity after the birth of the Babe. For a lover of truth this passage would begin a domino effect: Hmmm. If Mary lost her virginity she cannot be the “Blessed Virgin Mary”. And what about the other stuff the cc teaches?…. like the sacraments… and purgatory… and the priesthood and pope. How can I trust them?
Same with the mormon confronted with the discomforting fact that his Book of Mormon has undergone 3000 corrections and changes. Same with the jw who learns their founder and subsequent presidents very often prophesied falsely. And same as….
And same as the evangelical who learns that calling a man Pastor is as non-Biblical as calling a man Father and an insult to the Pastor who laid down His life for the sheep. For a lover of truth, this should initiate a rippling effect. Hmmm. If I have been mislead here, where else? Does Pastor Jesus really want me to tithe or is this fiendish trickery? Did the Lord Jesus really appoint that guy to preach every sunday? And what about this license stuff? And what about…?
The evangelical would not be one if he were a lover of truth. A love for truth would cause a ripple effect leading to his freedom. But like the catholic and like the mormon and jw, the evangelical has deep roots into his religion, and he resists any truth that would agitate his world.