333 WORDS….
1Pet5:3: “Lead them by your own good example.”
How are elders to lead “the flock that God has entrusted to” them?
“Lead them by your own good example.”
One more time: How do elders lead?
“Lead them by your own good example.”
It’s baseball season. On most teams there are a few particularly talented and dedicated players who have but one obsession, to win. But this is a team sport, and unless all players give their best, winning will be but a dream. How can the few instill their skills and determination into the others?
“Lead them by your own good example.”
Because they have the talent they have the respect and because they have the respect they have opportunity to influence. By example the gifted minority can lift team spirit dramatically. They can boost the others by creating and maintaining a positive atmosphere in the dugout, and, more important, playing with consistent intensity on the field.
If the few respectfully submit to the authority of the coach, the entire team will emulate them, resulting in harmony, resulting in better baseball.
And more. They could invest hours hanging out with the less competitive, sharing both their savvy and enthusiasm. As they bond, their passion for excellence will spread, creating a winning attitude.
It is unnecessary to hold an official position to affect the outcome of any team sport. Same applies to the house church….
Elders have opportunity to positively influence the ‘team’ by their “own good example”. As they give homage to the ‘coach’, the Lord Jesus Christ, defer to the Holy Spirit, and bond with those less passionate, they will create a wholesome atmosphere.
Elders must never ‘play’ coach.
Evangelicalism was created by elders not content with merely functioning as elders but assuming official positions, the ‘office’ of pastor, bishop, et al. Although church history proves officiating does not work, hc’s, oddly, often feel a need to be officiated by an elder in their gatherings.
The Holy Spirit will officiate…. if invited.