333 WORDS….

AMAZING!! is all around us. However, AMAZING!! will amaze only those having the spiritual sophistication to be amazed. The dull yawn.

When an appreciative christian sees the lively sparrow bouncing in air from here to there she is amazed, perhaps recalling the words of her Teacher: “Not a single sparrow can fall…. without your Father knowing it.”

Wikipedia tells us there are approximately 140 species of sparrows, billions of these little guys, each hefty evidence of God’s realness. “The Lord of heaven and earth” fashioned them with feathers, wings, a beak, a heart, and many etceteras, and shepherds every one of them daily. Now that’s not just AMAZING!! but more like….

AMAZING!! X 100.

There are 10,000 species of birds, trillions of incredibly gifted, flying phenomena. And they’re all hungry. Who could calculate the number of insects consumed daily? And each insect is as incredibly designed as the bird that gobbles it. Surely that makes our God at least….

AMAZING!! X 1000.

And what about all the seeds those critters devour? A seed is a miracle. Gazillion seeds are gazillion miracles. What does that say about God…. ?

AMAZING!! X gazillion.

And then there are all the animals that run and bounce and climb and hunt and fish. Fish…. did I say fish? Every lake, sea and ocean is an aquarium of miraculous swimmers and crawlers and creepers and floaters. That makes Him….

AMAZING!! X …. what comes after gazillion?

And what about up there, you know, the stars and galaxies, and universes and…. ? And what about heaven? It’s immense and sparkly, with billions of angels and millions of people like us.

Us. Yeah, what about us? We’re amazing too. We can listen and laugh and learn and love. And…. sadly…. we can do what no other earth-creature can….

We can sin.

We can, we did, we do. Though sin has made us the most grotesque earthlings, God is making us beautiful again…. through Christ…. who washed His own in His own blood. Oh, the love of Jesus….

AMAZING!! X…. ???