333 WORDS….
House churches range from dysfunctional and ineffective to quite beneficial.
If you don’t comprehend the high calling of your personal christianity, you will not realize the high calling of a hc. Only those who get it will get it.
Regarding your life and your hc, you must, you must, you must get it! And you won’t get it by looking around, because they don’t get it either.
A hc consisting of a small band that gets it will affect their city and affect their country and affect the nations.
Yes, nations are the prize for those who get it! Salvation of multitudes nearby and distant is but one reward of those who understand and truly embrace the high calling of God.
Paul got it: “To live is Christ.”
Not, “To live is christianity.” Not, “To live is churchianity.” Not, “To live is honorable behavior.” Not, “To live is soul-winning.” But….
“To live is Christ!”
“To live is Christ” is wrapping one’s entirety around Jesus Christ. “To live is Christ” is to purposely and continuously set one’s love and focus on Him.
Very few (that’s very few) are prepared for the future “judgment seat of Christ” because very few can now say, “To live is Christ.” Most live for something or someone else. That’s why billions will perish; only the infatuated beget abundantly.
To get from where you are to a higher place (“To live is Christ”) is a difficult and lengthy journey. Gathering with equally determined believers will get you (and them) higher quicker.
A healthy hc is simply a group that gathers unto Jesus Christ…. enthusiastically.
The Bible records such an enthusiastic gathering unto Lord Jesus. At His triumphal entry into Jerusalem “sitting on an ass’s colt” they spread branches and even garments before Him while shouting heartfelt praises.
The hc that gathers with similar passion unto the Lord Jesus will evolve into a potent force that will rock the world. They will rock the world by simply becoming passionate for Him.