333 WORDS….

Every room has a door, some two or more.

Envision a spacious room with several doors, doors on all sides.

As Christ is the door into your room (“I am the door”), so is He the room itself (let’s call it “The Secret Place”). In this room all doors have an EXIT sign overhead…. except one, the main entrance. You might think that although the room is quite large it could not accommodate the steady stream of converts entering the room (Christ) through the entrance door (Christ). But no problem….

Although new arrivals are ecstatic when first entering The Room, they soon leave through one of the several exits, no not back outside where they came from (hopefully), but into various chambers, all much inferior. Those who had everything exchanged the best for best-divided-by-about-ten. Strange, thou thinkest?

Yes, strange. But strange is what we do.

The christian is majorly dissimilar to outsiders refusing to enter The Room through The Door. He is blood-washed, redeemed, adopted, sanctified, justified. But he does have some commonality with outsiders….

Both do strange regularly.

Strange is the non-believer choosing everlasting grief over forever well-being…. permanent hopelessness over perpetual security…. a forever of regret over fixed contentment…. condemnation over forgiveness.

But, too, strange is the evangelical (etcetera) exiting The Room and thereby forfeiting (much of) his protection, her peace, his freedom, her joy, his rewards, her purpose.

We have a tendency to go back, even if back there wasn’t a nice place. We visit old neighborhoods, look-up past friends, take up discarded habits. We were well bonded, and former ties beckon us.

The Room is not crowded. Most have departed to experiment tawdry locales, noisy and titillating haunts where friends and chatter and noise entertain.

The judgment seat awaits. Those dwelling in “the secret place” will be much wealthier than those not.

Those exit doors don’t have an inside lock. Father beckons prodigals to return. Lord Jesus welcomes His own back into The Room, into companionship, into Himself.