333 WORDS….

The blood, the blood, the precious blood!

Christianity has been called a bloody religion. Bloody, certainly. A religion, no. (True christianity is relationship.)

The night before His redemptive blood was poured out, our Redeemer “took the cup after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in My blood.’ ”

Tomorrow, that innocent, uncontaminated, priceless blood would be spilled, ushering in a new and better covenant. The High Priest officiating the offering of blood to the Father would be Jesus Himself; none other was worthy.

History since Adam’s sin had been thoroughly painted with blood of lambs, goats, oxen, birds….

The covering God made for earth’s first couple was made of animal skin, requiring shed blood…. Abel’s sacrifices of blood were acceptable, while Cain’s were not…. Noah sacrificed to the Lord on Ararat…. a ram was sacrificed in Isaac’s stead…. in Goshen, the blood of thousands of lambs covered doorposts and lintels…. every year since, “as a memorial” of that day of deliverance, sacrifices were made…. Moses sprinkled the sacrificial altar and the people with animal blood…. Aaron and his sons were anointed in blood…. at the feasts of Pentecost, Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles, the Levite priests sacrificed various animals according to God’s instructions…. the priest could enter “the holy place” only by a blood offering….

Sacrificial blood flowed through millennia, all foretelling “the blood of the Lamb”, “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”, our “great High Priest who has entered heaven”. All previous sacrificial blood – that, if collected, would fill many enormous vats – could not equal the power of one drop of blood from our precious Redeemer. That is why “ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands” cry out, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain”.

After Calvary, no more sacrifices were required or acceptable, no need for more blood. By His blood we are saved, forgiven, purified, accepted, justified and sanctified.

The blood, the blood, the precious blood!

Hail to the King!!!