333 WORDS….

Why should age work against us and not for us? Why doesn’t time benefit rather than harm? In short, why do the old get old?

Jesus said, “According to your faith let it be to you.”

Fellow seniors….

It is now being done to you “according to your faith”. It has always worked that way. Doesn’t change with age.

Assuming you are growing day by day in faith, and your minds and bodies are being nourished and strengthened “according to your (growing?) faith”, you should expect to be healthier today than yesterday, should you not?

A nutritionist [See note.] once explained the aging process….

Cells in our bodies are being replaced 300 million per minute. (Yes, 300,000,000 – that’s the population of the U.S.! – very complex cells substituted every 60 seconds! Oh, the wonder of evolution!) Those cells are being substituted by either stronger or weaker cells. If weaker, time is working against us. If stronger, time is our friend. Cells weaken or strengthen proportional to, mostly, the nutritional value of the food we insert into our bodies.

That’s quite believable, but there’s another important factor….

“According to your faith let it be to you.” The quality of faith is utmost important in all life’s issues. If your faith is a growing thing, shouldn’t you be healthier in maturity? And we all know faith, for most, increases with time, don’t we?

Well, don’t we?

Or are fading bodies indicative of fading faith?

Someone suggested that a christian is one of very few earth-creatures who dies smaller than when born. Is it possible the new convert has more faith than his elders?

Can faith shrink with time? Seniors have witnessed more unanswered prayers for the sick, attended more christian funerals, heard more stupid ‘senior jokes’, and been exposed to more infectious unbelief than fledglings.

Yet nothing excuses unbelief.

Solution: Repent, sincerely, of sordid unbelief, and stand hard against it. Meditate on promises, not problems and failures. Years will be your ally, and lively longevity a real possibility.

NOTE: George Malkmus. www.hacres.com