333 WORDS….

God is not too anything. But each of us, His ambassadors, is too everything.

God is not too big, too kind, too early or too late. He is not too hopeful or too talkative. Doesn’t get too angry or too sad. He is not even too perfect.

We misrepresent God. Just can’t help it. We are tilted, unbalanced, lopsided, disproportionate.

Lord Jesus was different. Seeing Jesus was seeing Father. Hearing Him was hearing Him. Jesus was Father’s impeccable ambassador. No evangelical would disagree the best way to know God is to study the life of His Son as portrayed in Scripture.

Yet even in this we disagree, some concluding a pansy God and others a harsh God. All preachers preach a somewhat lopsided God, the pure word becoming tainted while passing through tainted vessels.

Many, while at ease with a loving Jesus, find difficulty with a stern Jesus. And so they create for themselves a fanciful Jesus, ignoring passages reflecting His severity.

Fact is, our God is love, no saint or angel more loving. And God is stern, none more steely and unbending.

If you marked with a yellow highlighter all verses in the four gospels revealing our Christ’s tender/loving/sympathetic temperament, and also the other writings, your New Testament would indeed be streaked with yellow.

You might highlight, “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” And, “Whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” And, “Peace be with you.” And on and on.

But if you did the same thing highlighting in green the words attributing a serious/stern/strict Jesus, your New Testament would also be streaked with green. Such words as, “O faithless generation.” And, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me.” And, “I will spew you out of My mouth.” And on and on.

If you were to fan all the pages, Matthew to Revelation, you would see a kaleidoscope of yellow-green-yellow-green-yellow-green. That kaleidoscope is your God.