333 WORDS….

When a community of believers steadfastly clings to teachings contrary to Biblical evidence, what does that say of that community?

How can there be collective agreement on absurdities?

How can a fallacy survive the scrutiny of so many students of God’s Bible? (Are we not all students?)

Church history is loaded with examples of masses missing the mark.

Today’s generation can readily see the mistakes of yesterday’s saints. Why couldn’t they see the obvious?

And we perceive the absurdities of other religions. Why can’t they see the obvious?

Our neighbors should know better, our friends ought not to, ‘they’ just don’t get it.

There is only one group who has right thinking, a pretty good balance, correct doctrine…. and that’s my people. I trust no one but us. If only others would be reasonable and follow our lead, submit to our wholesome perspective… how blessed they would be.

Unlike ‘they’, ‘we’ can’t be wrong because, obviously, if we were we would have changed course.

The pharisees were convinced of their correctness of doctrine and deeds. The catholic, mormon and jw, though quite contradictory in their conclusions, are equally persuaded. If we were mistaken we would have, obviously, changed course.

Mirrors are handy things; who can live without them? ‘They’ reflect ‘us’. How many faulty associations does it take to adequately prove the frailty of all? True, the denomination/association that commits to God’s word and submits to the Holy Spirit will be relatively free of wrong perspective but …. there has never been such an assemblage.

‘They’ cannot be trusted. Nor can we, he, she or ‘me’.

‘They’ don’t love Him wholeheartedly. ‘They’ compete with Him for you, both wanting your loyalty and obedience. In whom will you trust?

Only the Lord Jesus can be trusted. He will guide you to the degree you look to Him for guidance. If you have replaced the teachings and leadership of Christ for that of an association, repent. Remove your trust from them and set it on Him.