333 WORDS….

Self-ruled versus Christ-ruled.

Self-ruled: I want a prosperous husband who can make me laugh and feel safe, one I can trust to stick with me when life gets rocky. Looking for a man who loves children and wants to invest his entire life into our family. Perhaps I’ll enroll in Matchmaker Seminary. Mr. Right could be waiting for me.

Christ-ruled: Jesus, I ask you to choose a husband for me. You are, in truth and reality, my Lord. You know everything about everybody, and You know me better than I know myself. I surrender this grave matter unto You, trusting for grace to discern Your guidance.

Self-ruled: I think our house church should gather on thursday evenings. Thursdays seems to fit most of our schedules.

Self-ruled: I dunno. What’s wrong with sunday? Maybe sunday morning. Everyone is much fresher in the mornings than the end of the day.

Self-ruled: Sunday sounds church-y to me. Besides, sundays are family days, and a time for catching up on sleep.

Christ-ruled: Lord Jesus, what day and time do You want us to gather unto You? As a group we submit to Your will.

Self-ruled: I think we ought to support an evangelist.

Self-ruled: Maybe we should feed the street people.

Christ-ruled: I feel the Holy Spirit is saying….

Christ-ruled: I think the Lord Jesus would have us….

Self-ruled: Lord, I’m kinda stuck with the message I’m giving sunday morning. Seem to be repeating myself, having spoken so often. Need something fresh. Also, I pray a heavy anointing; the people could use a lift.

Christ-ruled: Lord Jesus, who do You choose to give the message this sunday?

Self-ruled: Gotta plan. Gotta build. Gotta go. Gotta do.

Christ-rule: Gotta pray.

Self-ruled: Think I’m gonna find another job, one that pays better and I don’t get kicked around.

Christ-ruled: “Not My will, but Yours, be done.”

Self-ruled: Lord, is this all that I earned?![See note.]

Christ-ruled: Oh Lord Jesus! Thank You for all these rewards You are bestowing on me!


NOTE: At “the judgment seat of Christ.”