333 WORDS….

Our christianity could be much augmented by a deeper understanding of the word ABIDE. Because….

Because, He who ABIDES in Me (Lord Jesus), and I in him, bears much fruit.

Because, If you ABIDE in Me (Lord Jesus), and My words ABIDE in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.

Because, He who ABIDES in the secret place of the Most High (Lord Jesus) is the beneficiary of the valuable promises of Ps.91 and others.

Certainly everyone on “the way that leads to life” abides, at least somewhat, in Christ; if not, they wouldn’t be there. Most assume they abide primarily in Christ…. but they do not; if they did the world would be reached.

We all have an address. That address is our abode, our home, our dwelling place. Sure, we leave once in a while, but we soon return.

Christ is often the cabin-on-the-lake, a retreat from pressures whereby we occasionally go to restore our strength. But for only a few is He one’s dwelling place, one’s permanent residence.

A resentful person abides, primarily, in those he resents. A religious person her religion. A sinful person his sin. A greedy woman her possessions.

Perhaps the abode of most is self. Seems most born-agains are still I-me-my people, so much so that consistently speaking I-me-my seems natural.

The angels are natural; we are unnatural. Angels speak of God because God is their life. For the I-me-my, self is principal.

We are afflicted to varying degrees. While some cannot resist inserting I-me-my into every conversation – you know, the friend who phones to see how you’re doing and then tells you how she’s doing – some manage to speak three or four consecutive sentences without mentioning themselves.

The rare christian abiding in Christ is different, much different, than the one abiding in whatever. Such doesn’t seek the group’s endorsement because he abides in Christ’s endorsement. Such lives fully. Such bears much fruit. Such anticipates a “crown of righteousness”.