333 WORDS….

Lord Jesus: I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in His love.

We abide, primarily, in the one we obey. That one has both our attention and loyalty. Evangelicals do not obey ‘Pastor’ Fred and abide in Pastor Jesus.

The heart of our precious Lord Jesus was full of “My Father and your Father…. My God and your God”. He said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me.” Can commitment go deeper than that? Anything less, and Calvary would never have happened.

It was the Son’s obedience that kept the bond between them unbreakable. By this rugged togetherness Calvary was accomplished, the sacrifice acceptable.

It is so easy to descend from being near to being good, from being intimate to being admirable. If being proper is our desire and intent, we have lost our way. The motive for obedience unto Jesus Christ must be enhanced companionship with Jesus Christ. That companionship is our richness, to be treasured, to be protected, to be nurtured.

In a circus act the spotlight is on the star performer, chasing him throughout his performance. For a few minutes he is fully aware that he has the crowd’s undivided attention. For a few minutes he abides in the light of their adulation.

The spotlight of Christ’s love shines, at this moment, upon you. That light follows you perpetually, yes, even when you do dumb. But it’s up to you to live in the awareness of that love, to diligently rebuff distractions. That awareness transforms and sanctifies and strengthens. It is the consciousness of our Lord’s constant love that keeps you relationally near.

Remember, obedience brings you near, and near is might.

Christ’s perfect obedience – from His entrance into humanity as a minuscule cell in a virgin’s womb, through a turbulent ministry, to a tortuous death – “has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name.”

The Father generously rewarded His Son’s obedience, and His Son will generously reward ours.