333 WORDS….

The Lord spoke through the psalmist (Ps.91:14): Because he has set his love upon Me….

The psalmist “set” his love. Love, then, is something that can be set. Love, then, is a choice. Love, then, is an act of the will.

If love is not set, it will wander. Here, there, wherever.

The guy that married the prettiest, smartest, most elegant gal will soon discover he didn’t. If his love is not set upon her, by an act of the will, it will stray when prettier and smarter and more elegant knocks on his door.

If she does not firmly set her love upon her Redeemer who she cannot hear and see, her love will roam to a lesser she can hear and see. Surely evidence of strayed love (“You have left your first love.”) is for all to see everywhere.

Almost everyone has, at one time or another, allowed an idol to slip in and cause havoc. Most maintain idols, to their great expense and injury. Idols would never have gained entry if love had been resolutely set on the Lord Jesus Christ. When unfettered love strays, idols intrude. Always.

If love is not set, it will wander. Here, there, wherever.

Ps.91:14: Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore… I will set him on high.

He sets on high those who set Him on high. He watches over the devoted. Those steadfastly true are steadfastly protected….

Ps.91:15,16: He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him My salvation.

“First Love”, for most, becomes second love. And then third and fourth. The “wise man who built his house on the rock” of His noble words degrades into the “foolish man” who did not. Eternal “treasures in heaven” are less relevant than passing “treasures on earth”.

If love is not set, it will wander. Here, there, wherever.