333 WORDS….

There are two conditions required, as stated previously, for answered prayer, as Lord Jesus Himself has taught: If you abide in Me AND My words abide in you.

Let’s focus on the word AND.

It is possible to have Christ’s words abide in us without us abiding in Christ. The word AND proves that. Those heavy into The Word but lacking in relationship would do well to consider AND, that tiny conjunction that links two necessities for answered prayer and, subsequently, links the petitioner to an improved life.

The religion of many born-agains is correctness. Being right is being noble. Learning is for the purpose of dazzling the less learned. Intellectualism within christianity is using the holy things of God to puff the ego and impress an audience. Remove the audience, be it many or one, and incentive to know The Word evaporates.

The pharisees knew The Word, but they didn’t know the The Word Giver. Their motive stunk. They knew the facts but could not recognize the Truth when He confronted them. They were frigidly accurate, and coldly used holy words to subjugate lessers.

Surely the pharisees are proof that it is possible to abide in The Word and yet be distant from Lord Jesus.

Many apply The Word for selfish purposes…. to get things, not eternal things but temporal things. Life is getting and when things are gotten, through tricky and constant application of The Word, to get more yet. And when more doesn’t satisfy (more never satisfies), The Word manipulators go for more more. For such, life is getting, getting is gain, and stuff is their trophy.

David: Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I MIGHT NOT SIN AGAINST YOU.

Pleasing the Lord was David’s motivation for his Bible study.

Those who make it their business to continually abide in Christ but do not have equal enthusiasm for His words would also do well to consider AND. You can only please Him by knowing what pleases Him.