333 WORDS….

The Lord Jesus Christ is the Alternative to life as is.

He is The Great Alternative to the unsaved. And…. He is The Great Alternative to the saved.

When you first embraced the Alternative, you passed from darkness into light, from death to life, from an evil kingdom into a righteous kingdom. Yet there’s more good news….

The Alternative who brought you from there to here is also the Alternative who can bring you from here to an upward place. To His, He offers a life better than what we now have, and that offer is always extended.

Perhaps thou thinkest: How can life get any better than this? I am saved, my name is written in the Book of Life, heaven awaits. Could there be more than this?

Oh yes, more and much more.

Your born-again experience was meant to be a genesis not a conclusion, a daybreak not a sunset. Christian life is supposed to be an unending climb into higher places.

So what’s my hindrance?

People around you are stuck in a rut of sameness. They walk in circles. As in your pre-Christ days, you are affected by the company you keep. Before, they held you back. Today, they hold you back.

We must take a hard look at what affects us….

Husband and wife are slowly entering into sameness. They vote the same, watch the same programs, express the same opinions, enjoy the same music. They are each becoming, in part, the outcome of the other.

The religious ‘way it is’ has affected you. You are its outcome. And because the way it is is not the way it should be, that outcome is partly (mostly?) adverse. But there’s good news….

There is, for you and all, an Alternative. Though you are wealthy you can be wealthier.

The Great Alternative who brought you this far can take you further. And then further yet. From glory to greater glory to greater glory.

When you have had enough, remember your Alternative.