333 WORDS….
Sound counsel to youngsters about to enter the daunting adventure of marriage: Commit!…. and…. Recommit!
Coach’s valuable admonition to the basketball team: Commit!…. and…. Recommit!
The aspiring salesman sternly lectures the fellow in the mirror: Commit!…. and…. Recommit!
One more….
Priceless advice to the novice christian: Commit!…. and…. Recommit!
The two youngsters at the marriage altar don’t realize what they’re getting into, and the severe challenges to their commitment to each other. Sure, they would each lay down one’s life for the other, but will he change a diaper when she is busy making supper? Will she get off the phone when he returns from work?
A dozen basketball players each bent on their own careers won’t win many games. Only the team committed to the team becomes a team.
If the salesman doesn’t commit to his goals, successive rejections will deflate him.
The christian’s christianity will only match the depth of her commitment to Lord Jesus.
Recommitment isn’t necessary if one’s original dedication is continually fortified. But a neglected commitment will soon cease to be a commitment. Which means….
Which means a failed marriage. A losing team. An impoverished salesman. A boring and fruitless christianity.
Christian, you have Christ’s loyalty…. does He have yours?
His commitment to you never fails…. is your commitment to Him stronger than when first made, or weaker?
Is it time to RE-commit your life to the Lord Jesus Christ? And will that recommitment be sincere, complete and robust?
Recommitment shouldn’t wait for their 25th wedding anniversary, but rather as often as necessary. When commitment to the other is weakened or replaced by commitment to self or commitment to whatever – resulting in a miserable marriage, resulting in a miserable life – recommitment is the only defense against devastation of the entire family.
It’s natural and usual for a marriage to weaken, a team to become dysfunctional, a salesman to lose heart and….
And a christian to slide backwards from his First Love.
Yes, natural and usual, but not unavoidable.