333 WORDS….
Let’s do some supposin’.
Suppose a relationship can be rated, like maybe on a scale of 1 to 100.
Now suppose your relationship with Lord Jesus is rated. Suppose further the value of that relationship is 30. (Don’t be slighted; 30 is probably higher than average.)
Now suppose your faith in God is also rated. Where on the scale of 1 to 100 do you suppose your faith is?
Do you suppose it would be lower than 30, higher, or the same? An argument could be made that if your relationship with Lord Jesus is 30, your faith in Lord Jesus is also 30.
While a 30-faith will be sufficient to overcome some of your problems, others require a more elevated faith.
Sadly, the relationship between Redeemer and redeemed is often dull and inadequate.
But nobody’s gonna admit a meager 30-relationship or 30-faith, simply because 30 and under are an embarrassment. So…. another explanation for unanswered prayer must be found. So….
Though the Bible’s Christ came to heal, the under-30’s Christ prefers not to. Their Jesus might even want to make you ill or cause other problems to toughen you up.
Under-30s far outnumber above-30s, and far, far outnumber above-60s or 70s…. and they oversee most of evangelicalism (etcetera). From pulpits and books they explain to the (mostly) under-30 congregations why they’re not healed and other prayers go unanswered.
30s can’t bring anyone higher than 30, and might resent the one determined to go beyond. The new convert, probably a 50 or 60, won’t be 50 or 60 long if he stations himself under their ministry (as most new converts will).
Do you want more of Christ? Your answer is the same answer to most problems…. repentance.
Apologize to your Lord for embracing men’s words above His. Recommit your entirety to the lordship of Jesus Christ and the governance of Holy Spirit.
Focus on relationship. Fixing that problem is fixing the insufficient-faith problem.
And then aim for 35. And then 40. And then….