To My Facebook Brother in Christ….
I am sure when Paul and Timothy were miles apart, they thought of each other often. I think of you often. I thank Jesus for your devotion to Jesus. Daily you “lay up…. treasures in heaven.” Our common love for Christ has preserved our friendship for many years though we have yet to meet face to face. So what could I write that would benefit one so devoted to Jesus? Though you “bear much fruit”, I have a suggestion/challenge that just might cause you to bear even more fruit, perhaps much more. I know you have “ears to hear”.
Speaking in tongues. When Paul declared to the tongue-talking Corinthians, “I speak with tongues more than you all”, he wasn’t referring to a public message directed to an assembly of believers, a word requiring interpretation. No, he was referencing his own private prayer life. This second use of “speaking in tongues”, one’s personal prayer language, is the subject.
Is it a coincidence that the one who spoke “with tongues more than you all” is the same who wrote more of the NT than any other? Could Paul have written so profoundly of our beautiful Jesus had he not spoke in tongues so frequently? If so, isn’t that an indication that the more you and I speak “with the spirit” the more we can accomplish for Jesus?
Relative few, even in pentecostal circles, speak with tongues with regularity. Though Paul instructed, “Do not forbid to speak with tongues”, such forbidding is common practice. Why is there so much confusion and contention about this wondrous gift/sign of God? Could it be that you-know-who has something to do with it? Has this thief stolen this marvellous gift from the bulk of Christ’s church?
Paul said, “If I speak in a tongue my spirit prays.” I conclude we have two choices: either our spirit prays or our spirit does not pray. Again, either our spirit prays to God or our spirit does not pray to God. God gave our spirits the ability to pray, but most stifle that ability, even though it is the most pure of prayers, not affected by our confusion, ego or tainted motives.
My practice of praying in the spirit has been greatly expanded by the teachings of Curry Blake…. who was influenced by the teachings of John G. Lake…. who, during the early years of the previous century, had a powerful healing ministry in Africa and the U.S….. and who credited much of his success to speaking in tongues. Curry Blake, when working in construction years ago, would pray in tongues (out loud!) throughout his workday. I am sure he also could say, “I speak with tongues more than you all.” Is it coincidental that this brother is the one who inherited Lake’s world renown healing ministry, that Lord Jesus has used him to heal multitudes, that he now teaches christians worldwide to pray effectively for the sick?
I am determined to spend much of my future christianity speaking and singing in the spirit…. during morning prayer, when walking or driving or working, whenever. After only two months of intensified praying in tongues I already feel…. elevated. Hmmmm. How elevated will I be in 2-5 years? How many people will be saved because “my spirit prays” routinely?
Should you be interested in Curry’s teaching, type in “Curry Blake, Diversity of Tongues” on the YouTube search bar. Okay?