Dear Facebook Friends….

Jesus said to the Father, “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.” Tell me, what “word” was Jesus referring to? What “word” sanctified then and sanctifies today? It’s important to know what words are the Father”s words and what words are creations of religion. Amen?

Jesus said, “Whoever hears these sayings of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man.” Christ’s words were the Father’s words. Our Teacher taught us the wise build their christianity on His words. The foolish build their christianity on substitute words.

In your religion, there are many words that cannot be found in Scripture. Search the Bible for such words as ‘denominations’ or ‘membership’ or ‘reverend’ or ‘board of elders’ or ‘evangelicalism’ or ‘church family’ or ‘home church’ or ‘senior pastor’ or ‘salary’ or ‘church service’ (and many etceteras) and you will not find them.

Who gave the Adders and Subtracters permission to add to or take away from God’s word? How can added and stretched and twisted words sanctify (purify, consecrate) God’s people? Is it the “wise man” who builds on these words or the foolish man?

Just asking.