To My Facebook Friends
To (most, not all) My Facebook Brothers and Sisters in Christ
I want to point out a major difference between me and thee. Are you ready? I am a follower of Christ and you are a follower of christians.
Before you respond “No way!!”, please listen to A. W. Tozer, a highly respected writer/preacher, the most influential writer of my christianity: “That terrible zone of confusion so evident in the whole life of the Christian community could be cleared up in one day if the followers of Christ would begin to follow Christ instead of each other.” (The Divine Conquest)
Tozer is talking about most. It is so obvious you are a part of most. You do what most do, church where most church, talk like most talk, give regularly where most give regularly. A real ‘team player’.
On the other hand, I do what Jesus says to do, I ‘church’ with friends, I often talk “Jesus Christ and Him crucified”, I give regularly into my own Jesus account, spending as directed by the Holy Spirit. While you are mindful of christians I am mindful of Christ. While you talk churchianity, I talk Jesus. Men lead you, the Spirit leads me. You seek their approval, I seek His approval.
I say again, I am a follower of Christ; you are a follower of christians.
Please read again (and again and again) Tozer’s above statement. Do you agree that confusion will fade as christians commit themselves to the lordship of Christ? And…. would they suddenly become “fishers of men”? And…. would “treasures in heaven” (that’s eternal treasures!) be multiplied? And…. would the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22,23) be plentiful instead of skimpy?
You have spent almost your entire christianity following others; is this how you will spend the remainder of your christianity? To transfer from church-ianity to Christ, from christian-consciousness to Christ-consciousness will take serious repentance. And humility. And courage. To become a Christ-follower is but a decision away. I suggest you decide Christ!